A downloadable game for Windows

retro-themed game inspired by Funkin's "HELP but Retro" song and led to where it is now by me and the other members of H.E.L.P.

the game is fast-paced with a few mechanics and a robust enemy script that uses sight and has many different ways to handle many different situations. enemies have an advantage in numbers, but not in dodging obstacles (yet they'll try), and it often comes down to tricking enemies to defeat them.

the game is not downloadable as it is undergoing a rework


the writer - programmer, artist, level designer, game designer, sound designer

jack cooper - music artist, logo artist, story writer, playtester, title maker

funkin - music artist, sound designer, inspired the game

paradox - inspired main story idea

anonymous playtester - playtester

all the members of help who answered my polls - answered my polls

all the members of help - are awesome


This game is currently unavailable

Development log

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